1911 "Vortex Fluting" Ti grips - Custom Center Engraving

  • Sale
  • $ 295

These are my new "Vortex Fluting" pattern Ti grips. They have an awesome 3D vortex pattern that reply pops. The center section is a perfect space for any custom image or logo. This example is a tribute to Ephesians 6: 11-12. Either the customer can supply the image or leave it to me to add something nice. The inset is acid etched and darkened, the top surface is a mildly stonewashed finish. These have a very beautiful, elegant, and shimmery appearance in person that is difficult to capture on camera, very classy!

.160" slims that fit most hands nicely and are excellent for concealed carry; 1.5 oz each.

.250" Standard full thickness also available now.


*note* Slim bushings are needed to run the slim grips, not included.